Wednesday, June 10, 2009


It took him long enough! When you start making a certain amount of money, you run out of ideas of how to spend it. So you throw it down the drain like 50 Cent and come out with a fragrance called "Power". It will be launched EXCLUSIVELY at Macy's in Fall. Although i think its gonna be a flop, i might be surprised at how well it sells. He should've came out wit it b4 and named it Candy Shop. I probably would've bought it to match my G-Unit outfit. (Don't front like it wasn't poppin back then!)

It's official!! Everybody thinks they're Pocohntas!!

Whats up with this new trend?? Wearing the headband across the forehead. Just because you saw Nicole Richie and Mary- Kate Olsen doing it doesn't mean you can! Every time i go to the mall, I tend to see some bald headed scally wag wearing this and it just doesn't suit them. If you're gonna do it, do it right cuz there is nothing worst than following a fad that looks bad!

Why "A Boxx of Chocolates" ?

Well I'm glad u asked! I spent a while thinking about what this blog was gonna focus on and I came to a conclusion: EVERYTHING!! From celebrity gossip, fashion alerts, to things about me, ABOC has something everyone can relate to or find interesting. So coming up with the title wasn't a walk in the park; it took a lot of brainstorming. Courtesy of Forest Gump, "Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get". Hence, the title of my blog, because you never know what i have in store for my bloggers.